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Sugar Sami, Guest Director of Arts and Presence

Sugar Sami, Guest Director of Arts and Presence

Mark his return to the Quebec stages with the show You will laugh 2after celebrities One man show Bilingual and touring for four years, Journalism Comedian Sugar invites Sammy to become Director of the Arts and Existence Department for a day.

A word from the director: Why Sami Sugar

PHOTO CHARLES WILLIAM PELLETIER, exclusive collaboration

Sugar Sammy meets the Arts and Being team Journalism

Do you think we can laugh at everything? To this question from the reader, Sugar Sammy answers in the simplest way possible, and not without comic effect: “Yes. It’s this assertion that we can make fun of everything the comedian kind of made for the show. It partly explains why he’s so annoying, but also why his often politically incorrect jokes evoke a free-spirited levity.

A great interview: Istiklal by Sugar Sami

Photo by Marco Campanuzzi, press

Sugar Sammy in the studio at Journalism

At the beginning of 2020, Sugar Sammy was preparing for his big comeback in Quebec. I had heard him in New York wrinkle the ears of Americans in the Carolinas on Broadway. It is as comforting to tell them their four truths as in Paris, where I saw him in 2016 in a little room at Point Virgule, when he was completely unknown to the French public. Barely a year after the 2015 attacks, he dared tell them, “France is my favorite Arab country,” and it’s crazy how people laughed.

Sami sugar responds to our readers

Photo by Marco Campanuzzi, press

Sublime sugar

In a call to all posts on the Instagram account and on the website for JournalismWe asked you what questions you would like to ask Sugar Sami. Below are the comedian’s answers to sample questions from our readers.

Montreal by Sugar Sublime

Photo by Josie Desmarais, Press

Sugar Sammy at Tropical Paradise Restaurant

If Sugar Sammy grew up on the Côte-des-Neiges, he bought a house in Monkland Village, Notre-Dame-de-Grâce nearly 10 years ago.

Neighborhood favourites

Photo by Josie Desmarais, Press

Sugar Sammy exits a mange-tout grocery store on Sherbrooke Street West.

Sugar Sammy followed us to a few of the shops and restaurants he regularly frequents in the Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce neighborhood. Here are his good addresses.

the High School Musical From the Côte de Neige


From left to right, Proteti Taradver, Lea Mena, and Jasmine-Grace Aspasio

She sings, dances and dreams big at La Voie School, located in the heart of the multicultural Côte-des-Neiges. Its students have no shortage of role models: Professional basketball player Chris Boucher and comedian Sugar Sammy have already walked her aisles.

Also with JC Surette, You will laugh


JC Surrett

Sugar Sammy isn’t the only one to offer figures that combine the language of Yvonne Deschamps with the language of Georges Carlin. Comedian of Acadian origin JC Surette, who presents his first parts, also practices bilingual humor.