Awani Review

Complete News World

PSPP must take us with courage!

PSPP must take us with courage!

I understand the exercise that PSPP carried out with him Budget for year 1.

He wanted to respond to all those who, like François Legault, assert that Quebec risks disaster if it cuts ties with Canada and stops pumping a regular dose of equalizer into its veins.

He wanted to show that we were able to leave mom and dad’s house and live in a beautiful 4 1/2 apartment.

With central heating, washer and dryer.

The stomach, not the brain

This says…

That’s all well and good, figure out if you have enough money to eat out three times a day and pay for an internet connection.

But this is not what will push the mercury to rise on the dominion thermometer.

What is needed is passion.

Take courage people.

This is what Quebecers are missing. “Omph.”

We all know the arguments in favor of sovereignty. You don’t have to be a genius to understand that Canada has changed since the 1960s and that the myth of the “two founding peoples” will not last two minutes in the face of the wave of immigration – what can I say! Tsunami – which Trudeau Jr. is preparing for us.

Staying in Canada means becoming a minority like in any other country.

  • Listen to Richard Martineau’s editorial, as he discusses current events with Alexandre Dube via QUB Radio :

Without any protection, no guarantees.

We will dissolve in the great Canadian whole, like an Alka-Seltzer capsule in a glass of water.

Bubbles will appear for 20 seconds and then disappear.

Everyone knows that.

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Finally, everyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear “hello hello” to traders.

The challenge for PPP is not to “make us understand” that sovereignty will be to our advantage.

It gives us taste

He will not be able to achieve this by lining up numbers on a piece of paper.


Quebec is like a man who has taken a skydiving course and is about to make his first jump.

He stands on the edge of the door, looks down, and takes a deep breath.

Even if you remind him for the umpteenth time how parachutes work, it won’t convince him to jump.

Photo by Stevens LeBlanc

What the man needed, at that moment, was not additional information (of which he had plenty in his theoretical lessons), but recklessness.

He must dig deep within himself to find the courage to abandon the bar and leap into the void.

In the 1970s, it was artists who played this role.

Who made our soul shake and grabbed us by the gut.

Remember Ginette Renault singing on the mountain “Un peu plus haute, un peu plus loin” by Jean-Pierre Verland.

If there had been a referendum that evening, it would have been done!

Unfortunately, the artists are no longer there. They jumped ship and replaced the word “sovereignty” with “diversity.”

The PSPP should replace it.

This is his challenge.

Be less of a professor, and more of a motivator.