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When Lauren Boebert parachuted into a remote constituency

When Lauren Boebert parachuted into a remote constituency

When Lauren Boebert parachuted into a remote constituency

Take a look at the map below. Somewhere in the middle of the red circle is the town of Rifle, located in Colorado's 3rd District and where Lauren Boebert has represented in the House since 2020 and where she lives. Boebert was re-elected there in 2022 by just over 500 votes, notable in a district where Donald Trump led Joe Biden by eight percentage points two years ago. This means that many Republicans in this district are unhappy with this elected official who shames them in Washington and in Washington. Select denver theaters.

Lauren Boebert also chose not to risk losing her seat in this district in 2024, as she would likely face the same Democrat who nearly unseated her in 2022. video The actress, who posted on Facebook on Wednesday evening, announced her intention to parachute to the other side of Colorado, in the state's 4th District, where Trump beat Biden by 19 percentage points in 2020. This district is represented today by Republican Ken Buck, who announced his retirement.

To justify this decision, Boebert did not resort to pure political opportunism. She even hinted that she is sacrificing for her party and its values, given that money coming from Hollywood and other questionable places is jeopardizing a seat that would normally go to a conservative like her.

“I will not let dark money aimed at destroying me personally steal this seat. This is not fair to the 3rd District and the conservatives who fought so hard for our victories there,” she explained.

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But the game isn't over yet for Bobert. She would have to win the Republican primary for the seat vacated by Pack. There are already several candidates in the race. Is the end of the political career drawing near for this ardent supporter of God, Trump, and the Second Amendment?

(AP photo)