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We’ll tell you if you’re Naruto or Shikamaru in 3 questions

We’ll tell you if you’re Naruto or Shikamaru in 3 questions

Naruto and Shikamaru, two anime ninjas

©2002 Masashi Kishimoto / 2007 Shippuden All rights reserved.

in the universe Naruto Do you think you are the hero whose action is named or his teammate and friend Shikamaru? To find out, answer the three questions in this quiz and find out the result.

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Who do you want to face in the Naruto world?


You are Naruto! You are an extravagant person, and you will always try to put yourself first to make others laugh. You are naive and clumsy, but you always want to do things right. You are determined, caring and always optimistic.


You are Shikamaru! You are a thoughtful person, who thinks before you act, and is always well organized. However, you will always do work at the last minute and postpone. You proceed with caution, and if you can avoid a complicated situation, you will.

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