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How Cloud BI Tools Improve Productivity

Every organization wants to be better. The hard part is figuring out how to make that wish a reality. Any enterprises taking a hard look in the mirror should think about how it’s using data. Here’s how cloud BI tools improve productivity. 

Put Decision-Making in Everyone’s Hands

When considering the ways cloud BI tools can improve productivity, it’s essential to look at how it can get data—and thus decision-making—into the hands of more people. The idea of spreading around decision-making power might sound like a daunting, or even counterintuitive, approach. Shouldn’t important moves be delegated to the people highest within the organization?

The reality is that people need to make decisions all the time, regardless of where they are in the corporate hierarchy. Giving more people data to guide their work isn’t going to convolute higher-level strategy, but will lend more direction to the everyday. Doing this can boost productivity in ways that wouldn’t be possible if only a few people had the ability to utilize data.

Build a Data Culture

It’s one thing to have cloud BI and data analytics platforms at an enterprise; it’s an entirely different undertaking to build a data culture. But what does this mean, and why is it something that can help improve productivity?

Research firm McKinsey has been on the forefront of the development of the data culture idea. According to them, there needs to be a clear distinction as to why an organization is collecting and utilizing data: “The fundamental objective in collecting, analyzing, and deploying data is to make better decisions.” 

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So, if a data culture is a culture of better decisions, how does cloud BI help move an enterprise toward that ideal? As already mentioned in the previous section, getting more people involved in the process can bring the efficiency of data-based decisions to more parts of an organization. But beyond that, you want people to be looking toward data as their first stop for making decisions. 

Make Workflows More Efficient 

There are two main approaches to making organizations more productive. First, you can fundamentally change the operations of the enterprise to facilitate more effect outputs. This is more macro-level action, where you might opt for entire new products, services, or business models. The other method is to keep most macro elements in place, but make gradual improvements in operating efficiencies. While cloud BI can assist in both of these, let’s hone in on the latter, which is much more approachable and relatable for more organizations. 

Making workflows more efficient can go a long way toward improving overall productivity. Here are a couple ways cloud BI can make workflows better in a meaningful way:

  • Embedded analytics – It doesn’t make sense for workers to be switching between different programs all day to do their jobs. Embedded analytics can solve this by allowing you to place analytics visualizations and other materials right within a user’s intuitive workflow. 
  • Save time – As you might have guessed, saving time is a big benefit to embedded analytics. But that’s not the only feature of cloud BI that can boost efficiency. When more people can use BI to make decisions, it means less back-and-forth between the analytics department. This keeps everyone working on what’s actually on their plate, as opposed to having to figure out things lost in communication. 
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AI Can Help Guide Decisions

The best cloud BI tools today are often built around advanced analytics technologies such as artificial intelligence. There are huge benefits to this when it comes to improving the overall capabilities of analytics platforms. For starters, tools built with AI can search rows much faster, which means it requires far less time to make choices. 

But the power of AI in cloud BI goes deeper than this. It also empowers tools to be more user-friendly, by offering self-service capabilities such as relational search, which uses natural language processing to deliver analytics in the packaging of a search engine. Some of these cloud BI applications can even work with voice-activated queries. Furthermore, some cloud BI powered by AI can actually feed follow-up recommendations based on previous searches. This can lead users to answers they might never have found otherwise. 

There’s no shortage of ways cloud BI can improve productivity. Consider what tools and platforms might make sense within your enterprise.