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In her series “Luxury in the Sun”: Designer Julie Asselin makes us dream about the life of the rich and famous in Florida

In her series “Luxury in the Sun”: Designer Julie Asselin makes us dream about the life of the rich and famous in Florida

Interior designer Julie Asselin, who knows Florida well after spending several winters there, gives us access to the gorgeous homes in this American state in her series Luxury in the sun.

She invites us to watch the first season, which will be shown at CASA starting Thursday, November 9 at 9 pm.
“We wanted to give viewers the opportunity to see luxurious places. The goal is to inspire people, make them dream and take them on a journey.”I Asselin, who is also an interior designer and designer.

Interior designer Julie Asselin hosts “Luxe au Soleil” a show that has us traveling and dreaming of visiting gorgeous Florida properties.

Image courtesy of CASA

She herself, on the show, is amazed and can’t believe that she has access to so many gorgeous mansions thanks to all the designers and all the Florida realtors she knows. This is the case of Pierre Couture and Carmen N. D’Angelo, Sophie Gidden, Frank Herz, Melanie Kempton, and Marco Lateror, who help the team open doors, such as those of the Porsche Tower and designer Tommy Hilfiger’s home.

“There are a lot of Quebecois homes in the chain, but we don’t name them,” M revealedI Asselin in an interview with QMI, saying that she herself “witnessed the lives of the rich and famous” in another era. “I lived in the West Palm Beach area for 10 years and 10 years in the Boca Raton area.”

Image courtesy of CASA

Julie Asselin was a regular at the elegant St-Regis Bal Harbour, where she took us Luxury in the sun. It also stops at the Palm Beach Gallery, where artwork, jewelry and antiques compete. The designer is feeling strong emotions by placing a 100-carat diamond on her finger worth a modest $20 million US dollars.

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The woman who founded the magazine added: “I made this series because I love sharing happiness and great things.” Receive In TVA Publications.

Porsche Tower and Tommy Hilfiger Mansion

During the 13 episodes produced by Zone3, in collaboration with Quebcor Content, the friendly host takes us on a tour of, among other things, a penthouse in the Porsche Tower, where 22 billionaires reside. Some people with professional knowledge may admire a Rolls-Royce, a Ferrari or a Lamborghini who owns a beautiful unit on the windows that don’t use a garage attached to the unit, a day after it charges a lot of cars to drive it. floor.

In the first episodes, we also visit fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger’s home on Palm Beach Island, where its famous owner left nothing to chance.

We’re talking about real estate worth as little as $55 million CAD.

Image courtesy of CASA

Directed by Felix Trepanier, each episode includes pop music reminiscent of the recipe Sunset sale. However, there is no drama in Luxury in the sun, Unlike the Netflix show.

Julie Asselin would like to do more seasons in places “where the sun shines, because it’s good for the soul.” Other sectors in Florida and even California were particularly mentioned.

Next January, she will launch her own company, Luxe Julia Asselin Design. It will first introduce the lighting fixtures and promises that they will not be expensive despite their luxurious finish. She has teamed up with Marco Lateror who we see in the series.