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Video: An employee was fired after filming him stealing detergent from his supermarket

Video: An employee was fired after filming him stealing detergent from his supermarket

A Colorado supermarket worker is reported to have witnessed a major theft of detergent by three men after filming and posting the crime on social media.

“All I did was film criminals and report them,” former King Snobbers supermarket employee Santino Burola said in an interview with CBS Colorado on Monday.

The employee, not understanding his previous employer’s decision, said he witnessed a robbery when three men rushed out of the store with a basket full of laundry detergent.

C’est alors qu’il les aurait suivis jusqu’à leur vehicule, où les trois se seraient empresses d’y lancer la cargo, visiblement déranges by the presence of the l’employé, avant de s’y garrocher à leur tour et prendre escape.

“Really bro? Do you have to come to terms with this? The economy isn’t that bad,” the employee can be heard throwing out at the three men in the video shared on TikTok, which quickly reached more than 1.5 million views.

The witness had time to remove a sheet of aluminum, which concealed the vehicle’s license plate, before she left the scene with a bang.

He then called police, CBS reported Monday, who were able to track down and arrest the driver of the vehicle, identified as 32-year-old Jorge Pantoja, thanks to the video. The other two men have not yet been identified.

Despite this, he would have been fired on his next shift, due to the company’s policy against pursuing employees or intervening during theft, he told the US media, expressing regret for being punished for doing the right thing.

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“I wouldn’t have let criminal behavior pass, especially when it was happening right in front of me, it would have hit. I hope this story changes politics.” […] To empower retail workers like me.”

For his part, King Sobers did not want to comment on the specific case, saying only that he had “security measures in place to help prevent crime and de-escalate this type of confrontation to reduce the risk.” , in a statement. Sent to CBS.