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Trump and the temple sellers

Trump and the temple sellers

Distributing or selling promotional materials is as old as election campaigning in the United States. Indeed, during the reign of George Washington, it was possible to obtain a commemorative button.

Here again, Donald Trump did not invent anything, but he is pushing this practice to an unprecedented level. After perfume (Victory 47) and shoes (Trump Sneakers), last week, it was the Bible that he tried to monetize.

Trump and the temple sellers

Getty Images via AFP

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, has the Republican candidate gone so far as to try to profit from the Bible?

Common reactions from Christians

Since arriving on the political scene, Trump has impressed with his ability to court Christian voters.

Although believers know his background and consider him an imperfect messenger, they are convinced that God guides his thinking and decisions.

64% consider that the forty-fifth president is a pious man and that his fervor in faith is greater than that of his former vice president, Mike Pence, despite the embodiment of this moral and religious right.

Whether he was sincere or not, Donald Trump gave these electoral operatives exactly what they were looking for.

He presents himself as a killer of the progressive left whose mission is to persecute Christians, and his three appointments to the Supreme Court guarantee more conservative decisions for at least twenty years.

Despite the above, many Christians reacted strongly when they learned that the Republican candidate was associating himself with selling the Bible.

“Sacrilege,” “heresy,” “blasphemy,” and “insult” are just some of the terms used to express anger and disgust.

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While many cited Bible passages to support their observations, I was reminded of this scene from the New Testament where Jesus drives the sellers out of the temple.

Questionable strategy

Although it is easy to understand that Donald Trump needs money and is playing the “Christ” card, I am not convinced at the political level that his strategy is successful.

Part of his electorate consists of Christian nationalists who might snatch up his Bible and accompanying documents, but is it really wise to risk alienating others?

Like Biden, who cannot afford to lose support, the Republican knows he cannot win by relying solely on Christian nationalists.

Not only does Trump need everyone loyal to him, but he remains slow to tailor his message to attract more Republicans and moderate independents.

Does he hope to defeat Biden in the swing states by relying on projects that lead to division even within his electorate?

Despite the easy victory over Nikki Haley, it is impossible that Republican strategists did not notice the flaws in Trump's candidacy.