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There is no hospital surplus in sight

There is no hospital surplus in sight

Coronavirus cases have risen again over the past three weeks. But Health Minister Martine Deprez wants to downplay the situation. The bed occupancy rate in rural hospitals with patients with serious complications is still far from the critical level.

It was new MP Françoise Kemp who questioned the Minister of Health on Tuesday afternoon in the House of Representatives about the development of acute respiratory infections, including the coronavirus. “In winter, the period is more suitable for an increase in infections. Shortly before Christmas, the number of people falling ill increases significantly,” notes the CSV elected official.

Infections doubled

She expressed particular concern about the situation in hospitals. At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the country’s various hospital centers had long been close to their limits in caring for patients who had become seriously ill with the coronavirus. Today, the situation has clearly calmed down, despite the doubling of infections over the past three weeks.

Between December 4 and 10, the number of people testing positive for the coronavirus rose to 658 compared to 460 the previous week, an increase of 43%. A week ago, 316 infections were discovered. Meanwhile, analysis of wastewater indicates a strong presence of the virus.

Call to get vaccinated

Before the House of Representatives, the Minister of Health was nevertheless able to raise the alert level. After consultation with the country’s four major hospital centres, it was confirmed that the bed occupancy rate with patients suffering from serious coronavirus-related complications remains low. There is no overload in sight.

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This does not prevent Martine Deprez’s call for vulnerable people to be vaccinated and for the population as a whole to respect buffering gestures, in order to stop the spread of the virus.

Influenza and bronchiolitis are also on the rise

Flu cases have doubled in the past three weeks. From December 4 to 10, the number of influenza cases reported by laboratories rose to 134 cases compared to 51 cases in the previous week, an increase of 163%.

The number of people confirmed to be infected with bronchiolitis (RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus) announced by laboratories rises to 134 cases compared to 116 cases in the previous week, an increase of 16%.