Awani Review

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The mountain is a space to share

The mountain is a space to share

Mont d’Or.
The mountain is a common space.

During two days, moments of discussion, awareness and information on security and the environment were presented as part of Operation Mountain in Participation.


Many visitors were able to discover the stands that bring together players in cultural, economic and sports development as well as the preservation of the Massif du Sancy. Advice on hiking in the mountains, to raise safety in and out of the ski area, was also given during a round table chaired by professionals.

A meetup sponsored by Lætitia Roux, the alpine skiing champion
The mountain was also introduced on the occasion of accompanying field trips, dealing with the topic of winter sensitivity to wildlife, snow conditions, work and safety of the ski area, and even meteorology. Not forgetting the Anne and Eric Lapid movie screenings,
Winter’s End Journey

and Laquais’ participation in theater sequences.

Organized by the Mont-Dor Resort, the Gendarmerie, the Volcanoes Park of Auvergne, as well as the Chastrix-Sansi Nature Reserve with the help of AOP Saint-Nectaire, the Filme ton Sancy Festival, the Freeride Club of Mont-Dore, Météovergne, Patch on the Herds and Sault Osteien.

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