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Medtime: the new tool for recording MSF’s working time as of 2 October

Medtime: the new tool for recording MSF’s working time as of 2 October

FPS Public Health just announced this. As of October 2, specialist doctors in training (MSF) who have an internship plan at a Belgian hospital can connect to the new time recording tool Medtime. As a reminder, MSF has been waiting for this tool for more than two years and has been struggling tirelessly.

Medtime is a time recording tool for medical professionals in training. Only specialist doctors training in Belgium can access the time recording tool and data registered on the basis of the visa number. Data is personal and protected. Medtime works independently of hospital records.

For each specialist doctor in training, a personal file was created based on the MSF visa number.

Pros and cons

Medtime was developed after consultation with representatives of specialist doctors in training, doctors and hospital staff. “This new tool allows, among other things, recording and correction
Working hours, childcare and absences. Medtime also allows salary simulation based on logged hours worked and minimum lump sums indexed by year
Training stipulated in the collective agreement signed on 19 May 2021. The tool allows MSF to calculate hours, independently of the recordings made by the hospital. Records are stored and processed at a number of counters that take into account, among other things, the maximum permissible working time, inconvenient working hours and possible “withdrawal” hours. » FPS determines overall health.

However, MSF will need to pay attention to different elements. For example, public holidays are not automatically displayed in the table. Statutory holidays on which they work must be entered in planned hours (P). The appendix will be attached to it. Legal holidays that are not operating must be entered as public holidays (F).

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Furthermore, if MSF does not sign the opt-out option, the system is inappropriate: “Medtime’s default status is that of a specialist doctor in training after they sign the opt-out form. At this time, you can change the status to ‘Do not opt-out “Subscription” in the “My Profile” tab, under “Contact Information”. The mode in Medtime may not be suitable for you until the next morning. At a later stage, you can choose the desired mode yourself on the site designated for this purpose. » Specifies SPF

Another question that may raise concern: How will this data be processed? Does the hospital have access to it and can it be modified? This data is primarily used by medical professionals to train themselves to protect their working time and minimum wage conditions. Thus, this data allows comparison with the hours recorded in the hospital. These do not differ in principle from those recorded by a hospital, but they allow MSF to continue recording working hours. Collaboration was undertaken with the FPS Employment, Labor and Social Dialogue Department to address any significant anomalies/discrepancies between the two registrations, again with the aim of protecting specialist doctors in training. Once the schedule is imported (at least 4 weeks before the start and in accordance with the collective agreement of May 19, 2021), the hospital will not be able to modify it.

Finally, at this stage, no application is planned for Apple and Android: “Development of the application is no longer possible for the next academic year. We will take this request into account in the medium term and consider the possibility of developing the application for the next academic years.” FPS Public Health specifies.

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