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Jay Nantel releases a new Christmas pop song

Jay Nantel releases a new Christmas pop song

At the beginning of December, comedian Jay Nantel just posted one of his popular videos on VoxPop. After tackling mainly political topics, this time Nantel chose lightness in asking questions about Christmas. Participants again gave crazy answers.

“What conifer do we associate Christmas with?” Faced with this seemingly simple question, some participants had great difficulty answering “fir.”

“He made me laugh,” Jay Nantel says. Newspaper. Sometimes it depends on the answer the person gives. But more often than not, it has to do with the energy a person has. When someone is lighthearted and has a lot of self-deprecation, it pays off big.

On November 21, the comedian went to Versailles Square to film his new movie vox pop. The Christmas decorations had just been installed and Nantel spent nearly two hours in the shopping center asking questions to about fifteen people.

“Christmas man”

This time, because he was feeling “generous,” the new self-described “Christmas Man” decided to include some good answers from the participants in his final montage – which he made himself – even.

“People always ask why I never post good answers [dans les vox pop]. I thought I’d be nice to those watching the video. I put the good answers in secret, because we know that what matters to them are the bad answers [rires]!

Among the funny responses, one of the women said that Jesus’ parents were “Mary and… God.” Another said that Jerusalem is located “in Africa.” A third said that Christmas Eve was “December 25 as usual.”

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More than 15 million views

Jay Nantle has been doing pop voices since 2008. According to his calculations, he has done about thirty voices, at a rate of two per year. The videos received more than 15 million views on various platforms.

“Everywhere I go, every day, there are people who give to me joke: Hey, are you coming to do a pop sound? says the comedian. It happened to me again recently. As soon as I got out, someone shouted at me.”

What do you like about this vox pop concept? “A lot of things. First of all, even if it’s not a platform for people to express their opinions, it’s still fun to have a mirror of the society we live in, to have a little bit of the real world. That’s why there are a lot of people waiting in line when I do audio.” Pop. I think people need to speak out and speak out. There aren’t a lot of platforms for people who aren’t famous.”