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France and Australia give priority to vaccinating their Olympic delegates |  Corona virus

France and Australia give priority to vaccinating their Olympic delegates | Corona virus

The Australian government said on Tuesday that vaccination would be given to a priority group comprising health groups, tribals over 55 and those over 70.

About 2,000 people are part of the Olympic delegation’s vaccination program, including about 450 athletes. But the government has made it clear that this will not be done to the detriment of endangered Australians.

Vulnerable Australians prioritize vaccine production, but the government understands the pressure on our best athletes to go to JapanRichard Kolbeck, the Australian minister responsible for caring for the elderly, said in a statement.

Nearly 2 million doses have been administered in Australia, including more than 200,000 in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled.

Members of the Olympic team over the age of 50 will receive the Astrogenega vaccine, and those under the age of 50 will receive the Pfizer vaccine.

Australian Olympic Committee chief executive Matt Carroll says the team will be vaccinated outside the public health program To ensure that vaccinating athletes does not put extra stress on the general system.

Athletes are waiting for an additional guarantee that their jobs will not be lost in the last five years., He explained in the statement.

Hundreds of athletes, coaches and their families are at peace.

An excerpt from:Matt Carroll, CEO of the Australian Olympic Committee

Neighboring New Zealand announced in March that athletes competing in events of national importance could be approached in advance for a vaccine against the corona virus.

Even French athletes

We learned from the Ministry of Sports on Tuesday that French athletes and their coaches participating in the Tokyo Games this summer can register this week for the vaccine against Covit-19.

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Concerned about ensuring the health and competitiveness of the French Olympic and Paralympic team […] Athletes and coaches representing France will have the opportunity to be vaccinated in Tokyo this summerA sports ministry spokesman told Reuters.

The ministry has identified 1,400 athletes and executives who will be vaccinated if they volunteer this week and until the end of May.

Although Foreign spectators will not be allowed to participate in the games Due to the epidemic, 15,000 people from more than 200 countries have to stay in the Olympic Village, while respecting the health instructions defined by the organizing committee.

The Tokyo Olympics, to be held from July 23 to August 8, 2020, should have been postponed for a year due to a health crisis.