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Interview with Claudette Dion in “7 Days”: Celine Dion’s health condition worries the international media

Interview with Claudette Dion in “7 Days”: Celine Dion’s health condition worries the international media

Claudette Dion, the singer’s sister who suffers from stiff person syndrome, explained in a recent interview published in the magazine: “Celine works hard but she cannot control her muscles.” 7 days.

Since then, these unexpected discoveries about Celine Dion’s illness have spread in the international press and have been reported in numerous media outlets: in the United States, Los Angeles Times The gossip site TMZ cited the interview, and in France, Le Parisien, Le Figaro, the Vanity gallery And websites the people here And Expensive They were also concerned about the singer’s sister’s comments.

Celine Dion, who suffers from a rare neurological disease, is suffering from spasms and stiffness, which has forced her to cancel her shows and tour scheduled for 2024.

However, she gave her fans hope a few weeks ago with a rare public appearance during a Canadian match in Vegas. Five days later, she attended Katy Perry’s show in Las Vegas.

As her sister revealed, Celine continues to fight and maintains “incredible spirits.”

Claudette Dion continues in her interview with journalist Daniel Denault, saying: “There are those who have lost hope because it is an unknown disease. If only you knew how many calls we receive at the organization to hear from Celine! People tell us they love her and are praying for her. “She receives a lot of letters, gifts and blessed crosses.”

For her part, Claudette Dionne is still worried, but she hopes that her sister will recover. “Certainly the idea in our dreams and his dreams is to return to the stage. In any state? I do not know him. Vocal cords are muscles, and the heart is also a muscle. This is what comes to get me. Since it is one case out of millions, scientists have not done much research, because it does not affect many people.

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The international press covered these comments, stressing that they were “worrying” and “very reassuring” news about the singer’s health.