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Dubé, Drainville and LeBel are sabotaging public services

Dubé, Drainville and LeBel are sabotaging public services

Most analysts say that public sector bargaining will not solve all problems. They are right.

As long as the government does not address the causes that plague our education and health networks, we will not be able to achieve efficiency.

CAQ ministers claim they want more efficiency in services by demanding more flexibility from unions. However, their explanations remain twisted and obscure their desire to dispose of employees as they please.

The psychodrama of late mandates serves above all to divert attention from their true intentions, in this case, to break unions and destroy collective rights.

Minister Dube stated this clearly when he referred to the Personal Status Law. It is easier to control an individual than to control the entire group.

The real problems

The lack of staff, the increased resort to the private sector in the field of health, and the orientation of young people to private schools or to selective projects in the field of education are the reasons for the failure in our networks.

  • Listen to the interview with Regan Barnett, former president of CSQ from 2003 to 2012, via QUB Radio :

Under the neoliberal situation, our governments have reduced public spending. The race to save money has seriously degraded our public services.

Taxes are no longer sufficient to guarantee everyone’s access to quality public services. The wealthy pay out of their pockets to speed up their treatment or enroll their children in elite schools, leaving the crumbs for the poor.

Wind circulation

Resorting to the private sector has not improved our health or education services. On the contrary, it contributes to degradation with the lack of human resources it creates.

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It is a difficult battle that unions have to fight in order to bring about a change in direction. The future of our public services and their very existence depends on it!