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Castelnaudary.  Sales exhibition in the therapeutic area

Castelnaudary. Sales exhibition in the therapeutic area

This Sunday, December 10, from 10 am to 1 pm, the therapeutic space of Bruegel, at 1, rue de Languedoc, will exceptionally open its doors to the public on the occasion of the exhibition and sale of paintings by the Veuve painter Patrick Cotensen.

The artist Vendée, a year ago, participated in the opening of the space, and on the occasion of this he installed his luminous paintings in the building, offering patients and therapists a privileged moment to return to oneself. This Sunday will be an opportunity to discover the entire exhibition, for which Patrick Cotensen has been keen to award workshop prizes. Françoise Lalande, the artist’s artistic partner, tells us about the exhibition: “Encountering the colorful works of the soul painter Patrick Cotensen is like going on a journey, where poetry and magic are born from the depths of everyday life. In his painting of life, which may seem far-fetched at first glance, encounters occur Unusual.

His color palettes are used in a free and powerful way, with lively, dazzling and noticeable strokes of brush or knife, in the service of expressive intensity, in the simplification of forms, in the interest of releasing the necessary intimate confidence.

Its colorful frankness is like a solar score that plays on its contrasts to highlight strong impressions. He allowed himself to be guided in this work by about fifteen well-known inspirational poetic quotations. “The soul has the color of sight” by Guy de Maupassant

The common thread, for the painter, of this multi-colored journey will be a rhythmic, inspiring and symbolic resonance of our inner needs.

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