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Prince Harry: His only solution is to rid himself of his father, Charles III

Prince Harry: His only solution is to rid himself of his father, Charles III

Between the Prince Harry And the King Charles IIIThe piece of cloth had been on fire for several years. After his departure across the Atlantic, the British royal family was torn apart by the Netflix series Harry and Meghan. But today it seems that Prince Harry He wants to fix things with his father.

A secret visit from Harry to Charles?

According to newspaper information womanRelations between father and son are tense but can improve under certain circumstances. “The only way to improve their relationship is to work on it privately. If Harry jumped on a plane without telling anyone, there might be a breakthrough“, notes the royalty expert Richard Fitzwilliams.

Add : “This is not the way the Duke and Duchess of Sussex usually do things, and his appearance on the set of Good Morning America after his recent visit was ill-advised. He did not reveal what he and King Charles said to each other when they saw each other briefly but spoke about how families tend to get closer When dealing with illness.” And send a signal to King Charles IIIthe Prince Harry could “Wearing the coronation medal alongside others would send a positive message to his father.”.

Harry and Meghan are facing the storm

Despite the storm, the couple formed by Harry and Meghan managed to hold on. The prince and the actress have not left each other's side since they met in 2016. United for life in 2018, Harry And Megan They recently celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary. On this occasion, the couple organized an intimate and elegant dinner with a group of close friends. As a reminder, the couple has two children: Archie And Lilibet.

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On the side of the King Charles IIIHis health is his top concern. The monarch is currently battling cancer. And he's getting better: The King of England has gotten better He resumed his official duties Since the end of April 2024.