Awani Review

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Please do not get an envelope from SAAQ!

Please do not get an envelope from SAAQ!

When you’re worried about finding an envelope from SAAQ in your mailbox when you get home, things are going wrong at the store!

This summer, I spent hours trying to register for SAAQclic! To fill out the online form with the reference number for this, and the code for that, to end up withdrawing and going to spend a few hours at the SAAQ office, where my problem was solved.

Hours of fun

At the beginning of September, I received a vehicle registration renewal notice.

Everything inside me is screaming “DO NOT CONTINUE SAAQclic!”

With a happy head, I return, confident of success.

After X unsuccessful attempts, I checked the box to receive in the mail the “secret” that would allow me to defeat this demon.

Secret… What a digital transformation!

SAAQ sends me a secret!

8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper with symbol printed on it. Revelation!

I jump to my tablet and enter my precious “secret” into the online form.

Damn, the magic formula doesn’t work!

I return to the SAAQ office.

At the desk, the attendant is friendly and efficient.

When I told her about the difficulties she faced registering on the popular SAAQclic website, she admitted that she had never been able to do it herself.

– Well, I’m starting to “take it personally,” as they say.

– Forget it, ma’am, it doesn’t work at all!

You moved well…

I walked out of there with a smile and my computer will survive the 2 throwH Floor through balcony.

once again?

This week I received my health insurance card renewal notice!

The envelope is waiting for me on my desk.

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Burn sage, sip some chamomile…

no! I will not return to SAAQclic.