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Two RBO vinyls appeared on shelves for a Cirque du Soleil tribute show

Two RBO vinyls appeared on shelves for a Cirque du Soleil tribute show

Those who will go and see Circusa tribute show to Rock et Belles Oreilles signed by Cirque du Soleil, this summer will have a lot to enjoy, since the 33 rounds disk And Why sing? It will return to stores next month.

It's hard to think about RBO without hearing earworms Unbridled fire of love, hello police And I want to Bonnie. More than 35 years after their release, these titles and the albums on which they appear will dominate the county's record stores. J. A. Lepage, Bruno Landry, André Ducharme and Y. P. Pelletier were present at the Le Vinylist pressing plant in Quebec City on Tuesday to participate in the printing of these vinyls that will be sold in limited editions. Beautiful memories for those who have not lost any of their madness, especially when they find themselves in the same room.

“It's a dedication to us, it's very touching. The next step will be to make a cassette tape 4- The path!” Guy A. LePage says jokingly. “I remember we were recording disk “At night at Studio Victor because it cost less, but we were so tired that we had to do everything again during the day afterwards for it to be successful,” Yves Pelletier recounts, laughing with his old collaborators.


RBO members participated. Tuesday at the Le Vinylist pressing plant in Quebec.

Photo by Stevens LeBlanc/Journal de Quebec

They will just watch

This gift from RBO comes with a nostalgic flavor at the right time, as Cirque du Soleil will be performing this July in Trois-Rivières. circus, Paying tribute to those who left their mark on the world of TV and radio in the 1980s and 1990s, RBO members are still surprised by the progress this show has made, but are unlikely to see them appear on stage. Cogeco Amphitheater.

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“No one will He slanders In a cannon!” Andre Ducharme confirms, laughing, with the support of his gang.

Albums disk And Why sing? It will be on sale in record stores starting June 21st and is currently available for pre-order on the Spectra Musique online store until June 20th. One thousand copies of each album will be released.

the offer CircusThe show presented by Cirque du Soleil will be presented from July 17 to August 17 at the Cogeco Amphitheater in Trois-Rivières.