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Thomas Bisquet eats Breton pie in space

Thomas Bisquet eats Breton pie in space

It’s a pie from space. On Saturday, June 26, Thomas Pesquet posted a video on his Twitter account that we see Breton pie flying at the International Space Station (ISS). The French astronaut introduced his teammates from around the world to the Breton crepe, the flavor of chocolate and strawberry. But conditions aren’t ideal in space and a Breton crepe looks like a tortilla. “How’s that tortilla?” , Thomas Pesquet laughs in his comment on his video.

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The astronaut winked in Brittany using The hash word “#Kenavo”. Flying pie made many netizens react: “So when you flip the pancakes, how long do they last?” , “What’s good, when you drop your butter toast, is that it doesn’t end up on the butter side” or “The fun moment is when he’s going to sprinkle it with sugar”.

In May, an astronaut on a mission in space photographed Brittany from the sky. He had also posted a picture of Bel Elle as well as Quiberon and the Port of Lorient.

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