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Stem cells: Exceeding the 14-day limit?

Stem cells: Exceeding the 14-day limit?

The dilemma, expressed very coldly, is: where does the dividing line go, on the one hand, which is just a simple mass of human cells, and on the other, something more “advanced”, that is, closer to a real embryo?

In most countries, the maximum medical research limit was long ago – somewhat arbitrarily, four decades ago – at 14 days. Thus the “14-day rule”, as it is called, states that a human embryo for more than 14 days used for research purposes is prohibited from developing, even if it is an embryo that would not be viable anyway.

The limit was only theoretical until the end of 2010, because the research wouldn’t even be able to come close to that limit. But from 2019Research on primate embryos suggests they were already getting close. This prompted the International Society for Stem Cell Research on May 26 to review Guidelines.

She is basically It is suggested that research be considered on a case-by-case basis, rather than sticking to a blanket ban. “This is not a green light” for everyone, biologist Cathy Niakan of the University of Cambridge explained at a press conference. This would be irresponsible and in some countries it would be illegal. The period from 14 to 28 is the time when the first types of specialized cells appear.

These guidelines were last revised five years ago, and a panel of experts from 14 countries was responsible for updating them Rule It is time for a broader debate on the issue, one that would go beyond the small circle of experts. Most scholars, written Biologist Robin Lovell-Badge, wants clear boundaries that define what experiences are acceptable, both legally and socially. And the public wants to be reassured. “

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