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RKI updates list of corona virus risk areas

RKI updates list of corona virus risk areas

The Federal Foreign Office has issued travel warnings for numerous regions in Europe due to the corona epidemic. They are constantly updated. Recently, the AA has warned of traveling to areas with particularly high weekly occurrences, and some variants of the corona virus to common areas.

Based on the warnings of the Federal Foreign Office Evaluation by Robert Koch Company, The risk of infection with corona virus is particularly high. They affect the following countries and regions:


According to the RKI, the entire Netherlands, including the Autonomous States and parts of the Caribbean, is considered a high-risk area, with the exception of the foreign part of the Kingdom of Croatia. Belgium and Luxembourg are all (again) dangerous areas now.


Continental France is considered a dangerous part. In French foreign territories, French Polynesia is an exception. The Moselle sector, which borders Rhineland-Palatinate and Charland, has been newly designated as part of the virus diversification.

Austria and Hungary

RKI identifies the whole of Austria except the Jungols and the Mittelberg / Kleinwall Chertal communities. Tyrolin status is considered part of a viral variant, with some areas being exceptions. In Hungary, the entire country has now been declared a corona risk area.


The Federal Foreign Office warns against traveling across Switzerland.

Great Britain and Ireland

The whole of the United Kingdom in Great Britain and Northern Ireland is considered a high-risk area – because the virus variant is widespread there. This applies to all foreign territories, the Isle of Man and all the Channel Islands. Dangerous area throughout Ireland.

Spain and Portugal

A virus variant area is now considered as such by the whole country including Portugal – all autonomous regions. It is considered a dangerous area throughout Spain, including the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands.

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Italy is considered a high-risk area. This also applies to the Vatican.

Czech Republic and Slovakia

Viral varying regions throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Slovenia and Croatia

Croatia was considered a dangerous part without exception. This no longer applies to the districts of Bijlovor-Pilogora, Istria, Krabina-Zakorje and Poseca-Slavonia. Slovenia is classified as a high incidence region.

Turkey and Greece

Travel to Turkey is not recommended. All of Greece is now considered a risk area.

Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway

With the exception of the Faroe Islands and the Greenland and Midgeland region, Denmark is a dangerous region. All of Sweden is classified as a risk area. In Norway, the provinces of Akter, Oslo and Wieken are classified as risk areas. In Finland, areas such as Asterbotton, Versinois-swomi, Sadakunta and Usima are considered high-risk areas, including the city of Helsinki.

Romania, Moldova and Bulgaria

The whole of Romania is classified as a risk area. This also applies to the neighboring Republic of Moldova. Bulgaria is also considered an absolutely dangerous area.

Poland and the Baltic states

According to the RKI, Poland and Lithuania are considered high-risk areas, while Estonia and Latvia are considered high-risk areas.

Dangerous areas in other parts of the world

The general travel alert for about 160 non-European countries expired at the end of September. Following the decision of the Union Cabinet, the corona epidemic situation is now assessed separately for each country. In addition, travel alerts automatically apply to risk areas identified by the RKI.

Danger areas and travel alerts

The Robert Koch Institute publishes a list of risk areas after consultation with the Federal Ministry of Health, the Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of the Interior. According to the RKI, a two-phase assessment applies: First, more than 50 newly affected states or regions per 100,000 citizens have been registered in the past seven days.

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For areas that do not reach this limit, RKI uses information from the Federal Foreign Office to assess whether the risk of infection is still high. Among other things, the test capabilities and tests carried out play a role in the control measures and the reliability of the information for certain states.

Viral Variations-Part

In addition to areas with a high number of cases and other factors that increase the risk of infection at the site, RKI now classifies areas where certain viral variants have spread as risk areas. Inputs from these areas are subject to particularly stringent testing requirements.

The virus variation regions are currently in Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, Ireland, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tyrol in Austria (with exceptions, see above), Portugal, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Slovakia, South Africa, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom.

Areas with high incidence

In January, the federal government classified more than 20 states for the first time as high-risk areas. It usually has more than 200 states per week per 100,000 population. These countries are currently Egypt, Albania, Andorra, Bahrain, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ecuador, Estonia, Iran, Israel, Colombia, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Malta, Mexico, Montenegro, Balochistan, Costa Rica , Lucia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, United States, United Arab Emirates.

Strict entry rules for countries in the new category

Strict entry rules apply to areas of severe occurrence and virus variation. A corona test must be performed before entering Germany from these countries. Those returning from risk areas should show a negative corona test 48 hours after arrival.

(Status: 08.03.2021)

Additional articles on corona virus

We have created a news blog. In terms of the wealth of information, it provides an overview of the most important current developments.

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+ Govit-19: Current statistics on corona virus in Germany (as of March 12)
+ Holidays: When can I go abroad again? (Until March 9)

Testing and safety

+ Safety: Vaccine Command: Who will be vaccinated first, and then who will be vaccinated? (Until March 4)
+ Vaccination appointment: when and where to be vaccinated? (Until March 4)
+ Sick: New discoveries in the search for drugs (until March 8)
Treatment: How does the antibody drug work, and when does it make sense? (Until February 26)

Infection and spread

+ Virus Types: How Dangerous Are New Corona Virus Mutations? (As of: 02/27)
+ Opponents of Infectious Disease Prevention: What AfD and Side Thinkers Should Do to Spread the Corona Virus in Germany (As of 02/09)
+ Exchange: What role do aerosols play (until January 22)
+ Excessive mortality: How deadly is the corona virus really? (Status: 05.02.)
+ Travel Alert: List of Current Hazard Areas (until March 8)

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