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Plant the apocalypse in Quebec with this spooky asteroid simulator

Plant the apocalypse in Quebec with this spooky asteroid simulator

Have you ever imagined the devastation an asteroid would cause if it hit Quebec? using the web application Asteroid launcher From NileIt is now possible to find out, and the results are really frightening.

discovered by gizmodoThis asteroid simulation is developed by Neal Agarwal and helps in giving an idea of ​​the consequences of an asteroid hitting the Earth.

Using the sliders on the right, the user can select the asteroid type, size, speed, and angle of impact. The diameter of the asteroid can be adjusted up to 1.5 kilometers, its speed can be up to 100 kilometers per second and the impact angle can be adjusted up to 90 degrees.

Once you’ve identified the formations and located the effect on the map, it’s time to see the damage caused by your creation.

After the impact, the simulation shows the width and depth of the crater. The program then indicates how many people were vaporized by the impact and how much energy was released. Through simple comparisons, it shows you the effects of the fireball, shock wave, wind speed, and earthquakes caused by the asteroid.

To satisfy his horrified curiosity, Weigh at first He ran a simulation of the city of Montreal. We simulated a collision with a 100m asteroid falling at 25km/s at an angle of 45°. Here are the results:

Neil screenshot

Neil screenshot

Neil screenshot

Neil screenshot

We don’t think about this type of disaster all the time, but this simulation shows just how vulnerable we are to being rocked from space.

“I think this tool is for anyone who likes to play what-if scenarios in their head,” said Neil Agarwal, the designer of the tool contacted by Gizmodo. The mathematics and physics behind the simulations are based on research papers by Drs Gareth Collins and Drs Clemens Rumpf who studies asteroid impacts.

If you also have an unhealthy need to reproduce a collision Deep impact In the default mode or you are a fan of the “natural disasters” function in sim citywe invite you To visit the website of Nile to test Asteroid launcher.

Also on starting weight