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Overwatch 2: Cheats are already in beta – Overwatch 2

You’re probably aware: The Overwatch 2 beta is in the works, and it’s only been going on for a few days, as of this writing. The cheaters will already be there And prevent honest players from enjoying the program.

The Twitter account of the Police Anti-fraud Department recently shared a post about it. We can read: Cheats are already in Overwatch 2. I hope they get caught and won’t stay long, I really hope Blizzard’s anti-cheat department has plans to tackle this issue, or it’s just a competitive and unfair environment, just like in Overwatch 1 Additionally, the tweet includes a video showing a player performing a wall hack, with Soldier 76, on the training ground. It won’t be an isolated case, other cheats have been identified, this time during a real game.

Ainsi, beaucoup de joueurs et de joueuses espèrent et s’attendent Ă  ce que le studio de dĂ©veloppement intègre un système anti-triche efficace pour la version 1.0 d’Overwatch 2. l’heure, nous ne poss de Pour les pais This subject.

productMonitor 2 It’s still unscheduled, but we should know more after this closed beta. The title is set to hit PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.