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New species of extinct ants discovered in amber

New species of extinct ants discovered in amber

new Ocean From ant just extinct in a Piece of amber It is found in Ethiopia. the name of the thing Desyopone is here It was described in a magazine post insectscan be analyzed simultaneously with thirteen male fossilized males in amber using different imaging techniques. In particular, the researchers were able to date the sample thanks to microfossils Also called paleomorphs found in amber: everything comes from a beginning mucinbetween 16 and 23 million years ago.

The complete amber Desyopone is here.  Scale bars: 0.5 mm.  © Brendon E. Bodinot et al., Insects (2022)

But identification as a new species was made by comparison with existing ant data. like so little fossils Frominsects Found in AfricaAnd the “The specimen provides what is currently a unique insight into antiquity forest ecosystem In Africa “, Vincent Berichott explains in A communicationco-author of the study and paleontologist at university reindeer. Fragments of amber have only been collected there for two decades of scientific study, slowly revealing the continent’s past.

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