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Jack Bouveress is dead.  He wondered what a “professional philosopher” could do.

Jack Bouveress is dead. He wondered what a “professional philosopher” could do.

He was ordered in 1983 by an English publisher to participate in a group volume Dedicated to “Philosophy in France Today”, Jacques Bouveres chose to explain why he felt so ‘A little french’. It was not an exaggeration for him to write that he could hardly be considered a philosopher representing the French philosophical scene, still less than an influential philosopher. However, by that time, he had already published a series of historical works in which he sought to rethink the contribution of Wittgenstein and the founders of “analytic philosophy”. But he was under the impression that “Anglo-Saxon philosophy” remained unrecognized, distant from the philosophical institution and the university.

Less than fifteen years later, things have changed enough for Bouveress to be elected to the most prestigious of French university institutions: the Collège de France, where Bergson, Merleau-Ponty and Foucault had studied before him …

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