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COP26: “It’s a soft and weak agreement,” says Greenpeace

COP26: “It’s a soft and weak agreement,” says Greenpeace

Although many countries have recognized the science of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, Patrick Bonin believes that the Cop26 agreement in Glasgow is not enough.

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“It can only lead us to the conclusion that this is a soft agreement, a weak agreement, although the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees still stands. We made very little progress in Glasgow,” a Greenpeace spokesperson said.

At the conclusion of Glasgow, COP President Alok Sharma said he regretted not being able to deliver a more ambitious agreement.

“To all delegates, I apologize for the way this process has gone and I am deeply sorry. I also understand your deep disappointment, but you understand that it is necessary to protect this circumstance,” explains the Conference President.

China and India are pushing to change some details in the deal on coal use.

“They have asked to change the idea of ​​leaving coal quickly to use language that suggests a slower exit,” a Greenpeace spokesman said.

Fortunately, countries have pledged to come back next year to add restrictions and try to reduce their greenhouse emissions because even if the main effects are currently being felt in poor countries, climate change will not be avoided according to Patrick Bonin.

“In Quebec, we’re talking about a warming of nearly 5 degrees Celsius because on average we’re warming up twice as fast as the planetary average and we’re already seeing the effects now with barely 1 degree Celsius warming, killer heat waves, and forests,” he explains. Fires, floods and sea level rise, so it’s also worrying for Kickers.”

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