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Capcom Announces Pragmata Delayed To 2023, And It’s Doing It Well

Capcom Announces Pragmata Delayed To 2023, And It’s Doing It Well

Capcom He refers to one of his following large productions, pragmatta, will eventually not be available for year 2022. Even the Japanese publisher prepared small video To pass the pill better.

gradually robot girl was seen in Advertising teaser from PlayStation 5 ShowCapcom uses its deception to forgive (tell us in the comments if it works). It’s worth noting that a 34-second video was captured anyway. 4K at 60fps.

without surprise This release has been delayed until 2023 The development team is justified that needs more time To present an interesting adventure, like Determined by Capcom on its site. It’s also an opportunity to take advantage First official photo.

Our team is working hard on the project, but to ensure an unforgettable adventure, we’ve decided to move the release window to 2023. In the meantime, we have a new illustration to share with you. Thank you for your patience.

We don’t know much about him yet pragmatta, except that the action must take place in lunar colony, where the protagonist will be accompanied by a robot under him baby features. Gender also remains to be defined.

thats good pragmatta Announced across PlayStation channels, the title designed for Next generation platforms It will come out well On PC and Xbox Series.

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