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A new investigation has been launched against Tesla in connection with “Phantom Breaking”

A new investigation has been launched against Tesla in connection with “Phantom Breaking”

once again, You are here Can be found in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) small notebooks, the U.S. federal agency responsible for road safety. Questionable, timely brakes have been reported by drivers of the latest Model 3 and Model Y, which raises fears of serious road accidents.

Dropping sensors and radars for automatic braking is questionable

In May 2021, Tesla released an update that allowed the autopilot driver assistance system to trust only the cameras instead of using a series of sensors, including radar, like most others. Since then, there has been ample evidence from drivers claiming that unwanted braking is happening, i.e. that the automatic emergency braking feature is activated for false positives. Ars-TechnicaThings like the shadow of an obstacle on the car.

Hard braking happens for no apparent reason and without warning, resulting in numerous back-end near-misses … This problem has occurred dozens of times during my five-month ride and the 10,000 miles I have been active. “Explains one of the drivers in the testimony dated February 11, 2022.

The Office of Disability Investigation (ODI) has received 354 complaints of unexpected brake activation on 2021-2022 Tesla Model 3 and Model Y vehicles. These reports, received over the past nine months, are often referred to by consumers as “Phantom Breaking”. Says NHTSA An official document.

When using ADAS (Editor’s Note: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) features, including Adaptive Cruise Control, there are complaints that the vehicle brakes unexpectedly while driving at high speeds. Complainants point out that during the driving cycle, without warning, accidentally and often repeatedly slows down. “In this context, Tesla has decided to launch a preliminary investigation into the failure of the braking system of cars, which is not less than 416,000 vehicles.

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Sudden braking can sometimes occur when vehicles are speeding. Photo: Dylan Calloway / Unsplash

Tesla and NHTSA, the best opponents

After this action, the NHTSA may officially decide to recall the vehicles. This is not the first time the organization has launched an investigation into Tesla. She is already investigating Involvement of an automated pilot in multiple accidents It happened in the United States, and possibly, Since its withdrawal by Tesla, Play video games on touchscreen inside vehicles. Except, Elon Musk Recently and paradoxically referred to as NHTSA ” Fun font “, Because in addition to the possibilities for playing, it asked the company to remove its boombox functionality, which allows it to transmit sometimes ridiculous sounds from the vehicle’s external speakers.

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From a legal standpoint Tesla has had a tough start to the year. In early February, the NHTSA also issued an order Disable a feature Hired with a full self-driving system, it allows vehicles to cross the slow stop sign without coming to a complete stop. Despite some setbacks with the authorities, the company continues to enjoy great success, especially thanks to the adoption of electric vehicles, which are accelerated every year. 2021, with delivery, was the best year in the company’s history Nearly 1 million vehicles.